b'2. Strategic Focus Areas: The plan identifies three strategic areas of focus that will direct the ARDCs efforts: EvolvingandEnhancingARDCsPrograms,Services,andReputation:Modernizingtheorganizations offerings to better serve the legal community and consumers of legal services,while enhancing its reputation as a leader in legal regulation. Elevating Confidence in the Legal Profession: Implementing initiatives to better serve thepublicandrebuildandsustainpublictrustinthelegalprofessionthroughgreatertransparency, accountability, and engagement. Building an Innovative and Adaptive Organization: Ensuring the ARDC remains agile andforward-thinking by fostering a culture of innovation and belonging, embracing change, andmodernizing workforce and volunteer practices.3. GoalsandStrategies:Foreachstrategicfocusarea,theplansetsforthspecificgoalsandstrategies. These are designed to advance the ARDCs mission, address the challenges facing thelegal profession, and seize new opportunities. The goals are both ambitious and attainable, aiming to position the ARDC as a leader in attorney regulation and public protection.4. OperationalPlanandAnnualStrategicPriorities:Whilethestrategicplanprovidestheoverarching direction, the ARDC has also developed an Operational Plan that details the annualstrategic priorities. This ensures that the strategic plan is actionable and that progress can bemeasured and adjusted as necessary. The Operational Plan translates the long-term goals intospecific, manageable initiatives/ projects that will be undertaken each year.The ARDCs strategic plan reflects a commitment to continuous improvement and adaptability, ensuring that the organization remains an effective steward of the legal profession in Illinois. Through this plan, the ARDC will not only respond to current challenges but also proactively shape the future of legal regulation in the state. 20252029 Strategic PlanARDC 2'