b'Goal 2: The ARDC will be an agile, forward-looking, and proactive organization.Strategies:a.Continuously strengthen ARDCs governance, leadership, and organizational structure ensuring each support the work and priorities of ARDC.b.Assess and respond to the changing legal landscape and needs of lawyers, the legal profession, and the public.c.Anticipate the future volunteer and staffing needs of ARDC and develop the next generation of volunteers and leaders.Goal 3: The ARDC will be a center of technology excellence. Strategies: a.Optimize ARDCs technology infrastructure for maximum efficiency (e.g., enhance / invest in document management system, case management tools, communication platforms, data analytics, cloud and automation tools, system / data security). b.Partner with technology companies, universities, and industry leaders to stay abreast of technological advancements, foster a technologically sophisticated workforce, and bring new tools to ARDC.c.Cultivate a culture that embraces and uses new technologies in daily work. d.Be a leader in systems security and the protection of confidential information and data. e.Educate the legal community about technological advancements and uses of technology to practice efficiently and ethically.20252029 Strategic PlanARDC 9'