b'Future Opportunities and ThreatsBelow are potential future opportunities for ARDC: 1.Re-imagine / Strengthen ARDCs Services, Programs, Operations a.Shift to a restorative and holistic approach to providing assistance, services, and taking action / resolving grievances b.Focus on prevention of misconduct c.Increase / strengthen communication, education, and other support services (e.g., be more proactive in resolving disputes between clients and lawyers) d.Streamline and improve disciplinary and other processes (e.g., includes intentionality around suspension recommendations, pursue discipline on consent, fast track cases, use settlement conferences, address issues around the pace of investigations, make information easier to access and processes easier to navigate; etc.) e.Expand and increase usage of diversion programs f.Address mental health and substance abuse in areas of discipline and licensing g.Learn about and use AI (e.g., create an AI system to respond to attorney ethics questions) h.Enhance / demonstrate fairness of the processprocesses are fair, reasonable, and non-punitive (all aspects of procedural fairness) i.Build processes for resolving fee disputes and mediating other disagreements between lawyers and client (e.g., alternative dispute resolution) j.Better publicize ARDCs system for assisting lawyers with ethical issues - hotline, educational materials, opinions, etc. k.Expand educational services for attorneys and the public (e.g., provide guidance to lawyers around emerging technological issues (e.g., AI, information security, etc.) l.Improve customer service (e.g., responsiveness, communication, quality and frequency of contact with complainants)2.Prepare for a Workplace and Workforce of the Future m.Expand training / education to ARDC staff including those who are not attorneys (e.g., cognitive impairment, behavioral health, etc.) n.Support a more diverse workforce; provide / expand advancement opportunities o.Prepare for impending attrition and retirements; do intentional succession planning p.Provide competitive pay / benefits / compensation (e.g., ensure life insurance and disability benefits are competitive with social security) q.Optimize / strengthen the performance management systemcoaching culture, provide feedback, etc. r.Strengthen governance and orient / train new Commissioners and volunteers s.Develop organizational culturet.Modify organizational structure / positions to support the future work of ARDC.3.Rebrand ARDC / Improve Attorney and Public Perception 1.Expand outreach and educationwith consumers of legal services, with attorneys, students, other agencies, etc. 2.Study and develop ways to increase consumer / public advocacy4.Strengthen Relationships and Partnerships w.Expand external partnerships (e.g., expand mentorship program to assist solo practitioners, LAP, IBAB, law schools, etc.) 20252029 Strategic PlanARDC 14'