b'SFA 3: Build an Innovative and Adaptive Organization: Culture, Workforce, and TechnologyDescription:Inanever-evolvinglegallandscape,theARDCrecognizestheimportanceofbeingan organization that is innovative and adaptable. This strategic area of focus is dedicated to ensuring that the ARDC remains an agile, forward-thinking, and responsive organization in the years ahead. Central to this focus area is ARDCs commitment to adopting new technologies and modernizing its work processes. By leveraging advancements in technology, the ARDC can streamline operations, improve efficiency,delivermoreeffectiveservices,andanticipateandberesponsivetochangingneedsand expectations.TheARDCwillfosteraculturethatembraceschange,continuousimprovement,and excellence.Furthermore, building an innovative and adaptive organization also means preparing for a workforce of the future and modernizing workplace and volunteer practices. The ARDC is committed to investing in the growth, development, and wellbeing of the ARDCs staff, leadership, and volunteers, fostering a culture ofhighperformance. Italsowillfosteranengagingandfulfillingworkenvironmentandencourage collaboration across all levels of the organization, thereby building a team that is equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern legal landscape. This also means that the staff and volunteers who serve on ARDC boards are diverse in all aspects and add to the integrity of the organization. Ultimately, this strategic focus area is about positioning the ARDC as a dynamic, resilient organization that is able to fulfill its mission and work toward its vision of the future: preserves and advances the integrity of the legal profession and leads the way in shaping a profession where all lawyers act ethically and with integrity. Long Range Goals and Strategies:Goal 1: The ARDC will attract, retain, and develop diverse and talented employees and volunteers, fostering a culture of high performance and excellence.Strategies:a.Modernize human resource and management policies and practices (e.g., including recruitment and retention efforts, onboarding, employee and volunteer recognition for performance and innovation, hybrid work / flexible arrangements, performance management system, succession planning, etc.). b.Develop methods and processes for recruiting and retaining diverse, qualified, and dedicated staff and volunteers.c.Provide resources and invest in training, development, and growth opportunities to enable employees to perform at the highest levels.d.Establish model practices and procedures that support employee and lawyer wellbeing.e.Build a culture that embraces innovation, change, and continuous improvement.20252029 Strategic PlanARDC 8'