Well-Being in the Legal Profession
Did you know that 1 in every 3 lawyers disciplined each year in Illinois have been identified as having a substance use or mental impairment condition? | Did you know that 1 in every 10 referrals to the Illinois Lawyers’ Assistance Program (“LAP”) each year is from the ARDC? |
Recent studies, surveys, and research have shown that members of the legal community exhibit elevated rates of substance use disorder, suicide, and other mental health issues. Mental health conditions and substance use disorders can lead to dysfunction in the personal lives of legal professionals and can also contribute to professional issues, including disciplinary complaints, malpractice claims and the erosion of public trust in the legal profession. The ARDC is committed to advancing a healthier legal profession and promoting a culture that prioritizes the importance of lawyer well-being, with the goal of improving the quality of the services lawyers deliver to their clients.
Help is available for lawyers at the Illinois Lawyers’ Assistance Program by phone at (312) 726-6607 or by email at gethelp@illinoislap.org.

Also, by calling or texting 988, you will be connected with mental health professionals with the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.

Illinois Supreme Court Rule 794 requires lawyers to complete 30 credit hours of continuing legal education every two years. At least six hours must be in the area of professional responsibility with at least one hour in the area of diversity and inclusion and one hour in the area of mental health and substance abuse. The ARDC offers four free on-demand webcasts on the ARDC website accredited for mental health/substance abuse professional responsibility CLE credit in Illinois.
Resources | Support Organizations | Anonymity Based Groups | On Demand CLE Programs